Monday, March 15, 2010


As a history junkie with a long held interest in Nazi occupied Europe, I have poured over both scholarly accounts and personal survivor stories of the Holocaust. I suppose initially I had hoped to make sense of it all. Having concluded long ago there is no rational to be had for genocide, still I have continued to read survivor accounts and find inspiration in them. I suppose the human side of us needs to see that even under the worst possible conditions there is in each of us a built in desire to survive and with a little bit of luck on our side, we can stand against anything that comes our way. On the flip side it is very difficult for us to consider the personal tragedy that occurred millions of times over at the hands of the Nazi's. With so many Holocaust survivors passing each year it is imperative for us to continue to remember the history they soon will not be around to share with future generations. In creating "Fear" it was my hope that people would look not at the survivors but put a face to the millions of Jews, Poles, Romanians and others who did not live to see liberation but were forced to face the realization that their options for survival had run out permanently and they would not make it. "Fear" I hope captures that second in time when the victim had to face that reality head on.

1 comment:

  1. I am not an art critic and really don't understand the techniques but this moved me to tears. The anguish, sorrow, fear makes you want to reach out an comfort. Love this one.
